Thursday, May 26, 2011

No Power? No Problem!

enjoying a drag off the SLIM listening to the hum of generators

Due to recent events (read: my power is out and I am leeching my absent neighbor's generator/internet supply) I wanted to write a short blurb about e-cigarettes and power outages!

A lot of people have said to me that the e-cig is cool, but they die. I get the line "I don't have to charge one of these! I just light it and I'm good to go!" while showing me an analog. Then I kindly remind them they need fire so, we're even. But there is NO reason to revert to analogs just because you have no power!
So what if your e-cigarette dies on the run, or worse, a power outage like I'm in! Here are my tips for charging;

  • Always have a spare. Always have a spare battery that is always charged, or multiple batteries if the case may be. If you're going on a long hike, shopping trip, etc, make sure to carry extras. 
  • If there is a power outage, immediately plug in as many e-cigs as you can to laptops running on battery. As long as the laptop remains on it will continue charging the e-cigs. Disadvantage; your laptop is going to die because it's on and charging things (My ipod as well!). Tip; darken your screen to save life.
  • Get a car charger!!! These babies are life savers. All you need is a car charger that has a USB port on it. Plug it in on the go (or in an outage) and BAM cigarette is charged. I used to have one charging every day on the way to and from school.
  • No USB? No problem. Whether you're out a USB cord or a USB port, or even both, here's another solution; If you have a plug that is purely an outlet charger, plug it into the car. Ok, that sounds weird. Get a conversion box, I have a mini one with two outlets and a USB port, and plug it into your car, then plug the wall charger into there! BAM! Works for iPod touches, too, if you happen to have an Apple wall charger adapter!
Still no power source? Either your car is dead also or you're not trying hard enough. Go someplace where they have outlets or computers, or someplace with a generator who will let you use an outlet. Something. Again, there is no reason to go back to old ways. If you honestly cannot charge your e-cigarette...suck it up! Chew some gum, eat some fruit or veggies, suck on a lollipop; whatever. I'm sure its about time to go to bed when all the e-cigs are dead, anyway ;)

Keep these ideas in mind, remember, and e-cig life is ALWAYS possible!!!

Happy Vaping!

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